Monday 3 January 2011

Understanding Human Behaviour

We are the sum of all that has come before us, everything we have ever heard, seen and experienced, every positive and negative action taken or imparted on us, if you don't understand why someone is the way they are you simply don't understand the maths that has gone into making them. No one is to blame, even the elitist bankers, politicians, military, and state police, they are a product of our culture.

With this in mind how can we hold someone responsible for doing something they feel they are doing for the right reasons? If we were to walk a day in the shoes of the people we criticise for their actions, and see things the way they see them, we would quickly realise that no one does things they don't agree with, its the values and beliefs a person has that dictates what seems the right thing to do to them and they are rarely in full alignment to everyone else's values & beliefs.

A kid brought up in a military family, watching his dad and brothers go in the military, being brought up hearing all the brave war hero stories, being told one day he can be a hero too. Playing war video games during his childhood, being taught by his dad and older brothers about their field of expertise and how proud they are t serve their country.

That kid could be you...

Is he evil? No - He is indoctrinated into a specific belief / value system that we simply cannot identify with.From his perspective he will be serving his people and country at the risk of his own life, whilst from the perspective of many he's going to become a paid killing machine for the corrupt political and financial elite.He see's himself as honourable and brave, and anyone he kills is the enemy and he is saving you and the rest of his country from them.

He simply has not been given the tools to be able to understand or see the situation the way you do because he has been indoctrinated into that specific beliefs system. And even if you then tried to convert him, you would be battling against years and years of re-inforcement of the values & beliefs that he holds.
Its all about perspective and this applies to bankers, politicians, the state police etc etc.

We are all victims of our culture, and there is no blame (only a need for understanding and education)
The people that own the banking cartels, come from families who owned the banking industry for many generations, they are indoctrinated into a social Darwinian ideology that is shared by the political elite as well, they are brought up to believe they are actually more intelligent than most of the species, that they have unquiet genes and enlightenment not shared by the masses, that there is effectively a split in the species and its their job to run the world because the normal people are incapable of doing so.

We might find this to be aberrant, but they no doubt feel the same about us so who is actually right?

Obviously from an Egalitarian / humane perspective we are, but just like the military example above, they are products of their environment and therefore are not to blame.. our culture is to blame and that's why we propose the complete re-design of our culture at The Venus Project.

When people look at behaviour they consider detrimental to society they look at it from the viewpoint of their own values & beliefs and do not for a moment comprehend the fact that the values or beliefs of the persons committing these acts or why they are committing them.

Free will is an annoying illusionary construct of the mind, decisions are actually not decisions at all.
We constantly analyse information subconsciously and consciously, , those variables are constantly checked against our psychological construct and associative memory and depending on which so called decision has the strongest neuro pathway connections to these associations is the decision we make.

i.e if something makes no sense to you, and is against everything you believe and feel is right... you simply do not do it. Therefore if your values and beliefs are malleable, and your decisions are based on your associative memory of what you have learned in life and how you have been culturally programmed, then no decision you make is your own it is simply the sum of the calculations and associations to the information you have available to you going on in your head both consciously and unconsciously.

People don't "change" themselves. No one who believes they are now awakened, woke themselves up, information saturation that goes against the already established values, beliefs and understandings of the environment in which they live (and the social conditioning through establishment propaganda and the corporately controlled mainstream media) is what changed them.

If you don't understand what made someone do something they done how can we honestly and fairly judge them?
A woman who steals a loaf of bread in a certain country gets stoned to death, and as far as the people are concerned she deserves it, thieves are not tolerated!

Later you find out she stole the bread because her children are starving to death and she couldn't bare the mental anguish of watching them die because she couldn't provide food for her children.

Now she's a victim not a criminal.

Who is the terrorist? The Muslim guy who's family were bombed in to oblivion by U.S aircraft as they take over their country to install the illusion of democracy in their countries , whilst putting them into future insurmountable debts to rebuild the country they destroyed as well as rape and pillage the natural resources of that country and kill millions of their people? Or the U.S, Britain and The countries of the EU?

Understanding is one of the most important social projects we as humans need to work on, and also how to reverse the social conditioning damage done by our culture by changing the environment in which humans are born into in a positive way.

There are no evil people only conditioned people, and this is one of the major reasons we propose the complete redesign of the social and economic environment people are brought up in so that such aberrancies as elitism and fear mongering, control by force etc. are no longer a recipe within our learning and cultural environment.~ Andrew Buxton

The Venus Project Approach
At present, it is necessary for both husbands and wives to work. Monetary economics have to a large extent undermined family cohesion. Parents lack adequate time to spend with their children, and they are constantly stressed by ever-rising medical bills, insurance payments, educational expenses, and the high cost of living. It is in this area that one of the most profound benefits of this new civilization could be realized. The proposed shorter workdays would provide more time for family relationships. Free access to goods and services would make the home a much more pleasant place, with the removal of economic stress that causes so much family turmoil.

With the enhanced level of sociability that would naturally come from not having to compete for access to goods and services, we would see a tendency toward extension of the family unit into the community. As may already be observed in other cultures, the rearing and development of children would become the responsibility of both the family and the community at large.

With the elimination of debt, the fear of losing one's job will no longer be a threat; this assurance, combined with education on how to relate to one another in a much more meaningful way, could considerably reduce conflict and stress both mentally and physically. When education and resources are available to all without a price tag, there would be no limit to the human potential.

The fear of uniform behavior in a cybernated resource-based economy of the future is unfounded. The only uniformity one would find would be a concern for the environment and the importance of extending maximum courtesy to all nations and to one another. All would likewise share an intense curiosity for all that is new and challenging.

With a better understanding, people could possess a flexibility of outlook unknown in previous times, free of bigotry and prejudice. In addition, the people of this innovative society would have concern for their fellow human beings, and for the protection, maintenance, and stewardship of the Earth's natural environment. Additionally, everyone, regardless of race, color, or creed would have equal access to all of the amenities that this highly productive culture could supply.

In more advanced and humane systems of education people would acquire this new type of value system. They would also realize the many advantages of cooperation rather than competition. In a society without vested interest it would be impossible to harness the talents of scientists and technicians to engage in weapons research or any other socially hostile endeavor.

We call this approach "functional morality." This newer, more humane, and more productive approach would advocate finding non-military solutions to international differences.This calls for a global view, which would be a considerable improvement over narrow national and self-interests.We could use knowledge and information as tools that would be surrendered when evidence of more appropriate methods are introduced.
Some people question the morality of seemingly receiving something for nothing.

By merely being born in a developed country, we have access to many things that we put no effort whatsoever towards, such as the telephone, the automobile, electricity, running water, etc. These gifts of human ingenuity and invention do not degrade our lives, but rather they enrich and enhance us. What degrades us is our lack of concern for those unfortunate enough to experience poverty, hunger, and homelessness. The social designs that are proposed in this writing merely provide the opportunity for individuals to develop their fullest potential in whatever endeavor they choose without the fear of loss of individuality or submission to uniformity.

A resource-based economy by definition includes the participation of all people in its benefits. In a monetary system there is an inherent reason for corruption and that is to gain a competitive advantage over someone else. Without vested interests or the use of money, there is no benefit to squelching one's opinion or falsifying information or taking advantage of anyone. There would be no need for any underlying rigid social barriers that would limit the participation of anyone or restrain the introduction of new ideas.

The main objective is the access of information and the availability of goods and services to all people. This would enable people to be prepared to participate in the exciting challenges of this new society A resource-based economy could create an environment that would encourage the widest range of individuality, creativity, constructive endeavor, and cooperation without any kind of elitism, technical or otherwise. Most significantly, a resource-based economy would generate a far different incentive system, one based on human and environmental concern. This would not be a uniform culture but one that is designed to be in a constant process of growth and improvement.

As we enhance the lives of others, protect our environment, and work toward abundance, all our lives can become richer and more secure. If these values were put into practice it would enable all of us to achieve a much higher standard of living within a relatively short period of time-one that would be continuously improved. At a time when commercial institutions no longer exist, the necessity for prisons, lawyers, advertisements, banks and the stock exchange will serve no useful purpose.
In the society of the future, in which the monetary system of scarcity has been surpassed by a resource based economy and most physical and creative needs are met, private ownership as we know it would cease to be a necessity to protect one's access to goods and services. The concept of ownership would be of no advantage whatsoever in a society of abundance. Although this is difficult for many to imagine, even the wealthiest person today would be immensely better off in the highly productive resource-based society. Today in developed countries the middle class live far better than kings and the wealthy of times past. In a resource based economy everyone would live richer lives than the powerful and wealthy of today, not only materially but spiritually as well.

People would be free to pursue whatever constructive field of endeavor they choose without any of the economic pressures, restraints, debts and taxation that are inherent in the monetary system of today. By constructive endeavor, we mean anything that enhances the lives of the individual and others while protecting the global environment. When education and resources are available to all without a price tag, there would be no limit to the human potential. With these major alterations people would be able to eventually live longer, more meaningful, healthier and productive lives. In such a society, the measure of success would be based on the fulfillment of one's individual pursuits rather than the acquisition of wealth, property, and power. ~ Jacque Fresco (The Venus Project)

VIDEOS & BOOKS (Relevant information from various sources)
The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil

Dr. Robert Sapolsky on biology and human behavior

Nature or Nurture; How Do Genes, Environment and Free Will Affect Human Behavior?

Think You’re Operating on Free Will? Think Again By Eben Harrell

Robert Sapolsky: The uniqueness of humans

Gabor Mate
Brain Development & Addiction with Gabor Mate

The Stanford Prison Experiment

A Class Divided

Milgram's Obedience to Authority Experiment

Jaque Fresco – Investigating Behaviour

Shaping the world view and local view of the public through media manipulation


Manhood of Humanity: The Science and Art of Human Engineering~ Alfred Korzybski

Science And Human Behavior~B.F.Skinner

Rumor, Fear, and The Madness Of Crowds~Jame Patrick Chaplin

Violence: Reflections on a National Epidemic Preventing Violence~James Gilligan

You can also pick up some free ebooks at my site:

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