Sunday 9 January 2011

The Science of Scams

"Our emotions are deep and unconscious, and tend to have more power over us than our rational minds. Once an idea plays to our imaginations, it's hard to shift it, and then we look around for things to support it, happily disregarding things which don't fit the picture we have in our heads." ~ Derren Brown

1 comment:

  1. Hello Andrew, just look at the wall on facebook, and find your blog. :) I'm glad to see your hard and truthful work to inform people and help the moving forward of the movement. More and more people understand what is The Zeitgeist Movement about with your and your friends' help. It's cool! Respect!!!
    But i'm really sad when i see people speak pejorative about TZM, Jacque F. and Peter J. without clear understanding.
    And also sad, and disappointed when they do it about anything without understanding, for example chi energy, reiki and many things like that. I haven't seen these videos here above, but as i see you are angry with all of these "magics" and everything like that. I know there are a lot of swindler, but i know reiki energy works, i use it daily or if we need (but not for money!), and it's great.
    So, i'd like to ask, don't attack everybody and everything what you don't understand and don't really know.
    There's no magic, only a lot of things what we still can't understand.
    I follow your blog from now. :)
    (Sorry for my english is not perfect, i hope you understand me)
