Monday 3 January 2011

A modern view on protesting

One of the hardest things for people to accept and almost always causes a knee-jerk reaction is the idea that we are uneducated, that we don't know as much as we think we know. This is a huge cultural problem because it limits the possibility for growth.

The truth is the system we all live in limits our potential as human beings because the only way for governments to control its population is for that population to be poorly informed autonomous tax paying citizens, whilst giving them the illusion they live in a democratic society, where they have a voice that matters and are free, sadly this applies to most of the population of this and every illusionary democratic country in the world.

There is no democracy and there never has been, just the illusion of one.

The world has always been owned and ruled by the few while the many are ill-informed and dumbed down, and the mainstream media is there to keep us that way. Whether it be the age of pharaohs, the age of kings or the age of governments, it has been the case throughout our history.

All throughout our history there have been those who manage to break free to some extent from the mind-programming who take to the streets or behind the scenes to affect change, and today is no different.

The problem we have now is the rate at which governments through the mainstream media can demonize those of us who care deeply about the future of the human race and are not content to stand by and watch it all turn to shit and the potency of their demonizing campaigns on the unsuspecting, culturally programmed masses. Look what they just did on the BBC to that guy in the wheelchair with cerebral palsy who was pulled out of his wheelchair and dragged across the floor, they made him look like an antagonist and that he deserved that treatment, it was disgusting to watch but later i hear someone talking about it saying "He deserved it, fucking protesters - if he doesn't like this country he should fuck off somewhere else"

This is what happens, Its what they do!

Just like wikileaks and the anonymous hacking tactics will be used as a tool by governments for clamping down on the Internet, that will be pushed by the media as "The Evil Hackers are damaging the very foundation of society with their attacks on businesses and government etc", or "The Evil Wikileaks is a terrorist organisation that is making the public of this county/world unsafe", so the majority of ill-informed public support actions that they will take to counter.

We have to be smarter than standing in the streets protesting to those who are destroying the civil rights of the people, those who have no compassion for their fellow human beings in other countries that have resources they seek to control. Who commit genocide in our name using our money... We need to change tactics, we need evolution not revolution.

Unfortunately Ill-informed people and even so called well informed people who have no real solutions to the problems have knee-jerk emotional responses to what is going on in our global society, this is whats happening with the riots we are seeing in Greece, and is what turns peaceful protests into angry mobs. the worse things get, the less hope there seems to be, the more violent protests will become (all over the world).

The problem with this, is that unlike in the past - the military and police have much more power to control large crowds, and although we haven't seen anything other than kettling now, this will change as the situation of our economy and social breakdown collapses further.

I'm sure none of us want to live in a police state / martial law scenario, but all governments will resort to this as a last resort when pushed into a corner. This is what established means.. its a way of being that will be defended violently when deemed necessary.

I hope I'm not the only one with real concerns for the lives of people like Ian |Thomlinson who died at the Bank of England protest, or the many other maimed and injured. This is the start of what is to come if we do not change our tactics, and it will only ever get worse.

Very Sincere people who really care about their future and the future of their families and loved ones just don't know what to do so they resort to what they think will work - the problem is that it plays right into the hands of totalitarianism, which is what we are seeing now, we need people to be well informed about why the problems we have exist and how we can transcend them peacefully and that takes time to explain to people - but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

We live in a culture where the dominant mentality is a false one, one that the banking and political elite took from Charles Darwin, and twisted it to their own ends.

Its called a social Darwinian approach to culture, something the elite are fully supportive of.. its a top down hierarchical structure that has existed for thousands of years and the problem is, it only works for a few at the very top at the cost of the rest of humanity.

Real thrivability for our species will come from co-operation not competition... Rejecting the system of control, the monetary slave profit consumer system that they have created, will be far more productive but it would have to be done en-Mass or it would not work.

Sadly protest wont achieve anything apart from a bunch of people standing outside parliament with banners saying "Your scum" to a bunch of politicians and police & military who don't give a shit what you think.

What did the Iraq War protests achieve? (The real benefit it had wasn't in stopping the war but raising awareness in people that it was wrong - this is where i agree with protests, but they don't fix problems and they never have)

What did the Student Fee protests have? None (Except as stated before)

etc etc etc

We have so many protesters in this country now that a real combined effort with an achievable goal could completely destroy the political-corporate system of control, Its not the "Drive, Sincerity or Bravery that's at question, just the outdated and unproductive methods), its like trying to cure aids by wearing a condom.

First people need to understand the system of control, and then they need to make that system collapse in the most efficient way possible. Relevant Education and a countrywide rejection of this system will lead to Evolution, Revolution will just lead to yet more oppression, hatred and violence and all the hatred this will build in those left behind on all sides for generations to come.

Kill the monetary system and politics goes down with it, so do the banks, the IMF, the police and the military.

So go do your protests... but use it as a platform to educate people in the public about why change is needed instead of throwing Molotov cocktails at people that will be only too honoured to stamp your face into the mud to protect the established culture we live in. Effect real change through educating people, not by being used as pawns in a game of "Lets make the protesters look like terrorists to the mainstream public", so we can stamp on your civil rights.

Suggestion: A Peaceful V for Vendetta mob, few hundred thousand strong all in V Masks, not to protest but to inform the public about whats going on in the real world that they are blinded to by their cultural programming?

This would certainly draw the crowds, But it should be more like a "Fair" than a "Protest", invite all the different social and humanitarian groups, universities etc and could be used as an educational event handing out leaflets with info on the monetary system of control, and other relevant "Wake Up" info for the public. Big Screens with "Money as Debt", "The Confessions of an Economic Hit man" showing on it, and other relevant documentaries...

That id go to, but standing toe to toe protesting to a bunch of people who are so twisted by their own fucked up values is going to achieve very little for the population of fellow human beings we care about. As for the police, we would be much more efficient peacefully and passionately educating them instead of facing off against them.

I for one would be more than willing to sacrifice some of my time to help organise any such event that would create awareness in the general public and strengthen our voice as a people, but i will not waste a moment of my time on anything that does not offer a solution.

The public dont need to see angry mobs destroying their way of life as it is portrayed by the mainstream media! they need people like you and those who do "Get it" to stop protesting and begin informing them and breaking the spell the mainstream has over them.

Our biggest failure would be not finding ways to break through the programming of the people, for it is they who will add to our power as a people and bring about an evolution from this monetary based profit oriented wage slave culture into something new and free like a Resource Based Economy or whatever we as a people decide to replace the socio-economic system of control we currently live under with.

Lastly if you agree with this note please "Share" it

Love and Peace to all

Andrew Buxton


  1. Protest Innovation! Getting more solution oriented and purpose driven so that constructive protests can occur that actually serve a relevant function. While making it more difficult for the media to marginalize. Great work Andrew! Also getting professors from local colleges and other credentialed individuals to speak at events is also helpful in the same regards.

  2. I have to agree with you. As a protest grows it will inevitably attract people who aren't necccesarily knowledgable about the core problems and just want to jump on the band wagon. This is what concerns me the most. Although it's generally recognized as a peacefull protest, things can quickly turn ugly and the repercussions from that will eclipse any constructive results. Education is the best tool to be armed with when entering a protest.

  3. An article I've drafted as a response to this one :)

  4. Like I said on the Venus Project page, I agree with 65% of this, most because you ignored the power of civil disobedience. A fair is an okie-dookie alternative to a protest, however they're are both just as ineffective. Civil Disobedience is the way.
