Sunday, 30 January 2011

Sam Harris: The Moral Landscape


  1. Interesting lecture. Thanks for posting. In regards to the divided images of Islamic women wearing cloth bags, and the U.S. style newsstand where women are displayed as sexual objects, both scenarios still hold one thing true, that men have the decision making powers in these cultures that set the standards of dress for women. One thinks that the women is within his power of ownership to overly protect her for the sake of his own moral standard and the other has found it more profitable to see the female form as a commodity for the purpose of capitalization. Neither began by asking the female what her awakened and moral opinion would have been.

  2. In both cases the females in question are reflections of their cultures and cannot be objective or think outside of that frame of reference from which they have been indoctrinated. Just as you cant tell aa christian god doesnt exist, you cant tell a muslim women who hasnt experienced western life to ditch her head to toe clothing because that would be outside her value system (which isnt actually hers, its the cultural influences and values she has had imprinted on her), same the other way around in western culture etc.
