Saturday, 12 March 2011

Help us make the movie that will change the world!

The Venus Project is asking for donations to do a major motion picture depicting life in a resource-based economy. The film is designed to reach the general public throughout the world to introduce an exciting sustainable new social direction depicting a vision of what our future can be if we intelligently apply science and technology with environmental and human concern--a future where war, poverty and hunger could be but a distant memory. 

Sunday, 9 January 2011

The Science of Scams

"Our emotions are deep and unconscious, and tend to have more power over us than our rational minds. Once an idea plays to our imaginations, it's hard to shift it, and then we look around for things to support it, happily disregarding things which don't fit the picture we have in our heads." ~ Derren Brown

The Eradication of Illness – 10 Diseases We’ll Cure in the Next 20 Years

Posted by Christian H Nesheim

Dna Together with David Pearce and Phil Bowermaster I’ve been brainstorming about which diseases medicine looks set to tackle over the coming two decades. Thanks to gene manipulation, stem cell research and nanotechnology, many of today’s most murderous maladies face brutal annihilation at the merciless hands of medical science.

Three nascent sciences, gene therapy, stem cell use and nanotechnology, will come of age in the next 20 years. Each of these sciences are in their own right pregnant with the seeds of revolutionary change, and when combined they hold the promise of curing nearly every thinkable illness. Whereas these treatments are experimental and expensive today, 20 years from now, they will be common and affordable.

It’s difficult to say exactly how these technologies will converge, but combinations of any or all of these could become panaceas before long.

Stem cells

Stem cells are like blank slates. They’re cells that don’t yet have an identity, a role. But we can assign roles to stem cells, and tell them whether to become a skin cell, a brain cell or a part of any organ we want. Granted, we’re only beginning to learn how to do this, but we’ve already grown functioning livers, bladders, ears, and lungs in laboratories by dripping little drops of stem cells onto molds. So stem cells can be used to repair damages in organs and tissue, or to simply replace faltering organs altogether. They will soon obviate the need for organ donors. We’ll instead have organ factories that make hearts, eyes, kidneys; you name it, on demand and off the shelf. Read about one man who was cured of AIDS using stem cells.


Ray Kurzweil has said that computers that used to take up a whole room in the sixties, now fit in his pocket, and that these same computing powers will fit inside a blood cell within a generation. When processors are so small that they can be injected into your blood stream, you can send in billions of them to repair and regenerate tissue as it degenerates, enabling a continuous rejuvenation of all organs. If a malignant tumor is discovered somewhere in your body, a billion strong army of well trained nanobots could be deployed to defeat it. Nanotech will also enable the implantation of microchips in our brains, where they have already cured depression and anxiety disorders in test patients.

Gene therapy

And then, of course, there is gene manipulation, which can take both a proactive and a preventative nature. Through accurate alterations in a fetus’ or baby’s genetic makeup, hereditary diseases would be precluded from ever causing any trouble in the first place. If, upon analyzing your child’s DNA, your doctor finds it predisposed to Down’s syndrome, bipolar disorder, or ADHD for instance, he will have the ability to change or fix the relevant chromosomes. One man was cured of a blood disease through gene therapy.

Which diseases will we cure?

I asked Phil and David to help me with this.

Phil Bowermaster of The Speculist says:

I'm on the record saying that I think we're within a couple of decades from most forms of cancer being, at worst, something people can live with the way they currently live with being diabetic.

So let me expand the list. Diseases that in 20 years will either be eliminated or that people will be able to live with via treatments:

1. Most forms of cancer.

2. Heart disease.

3. Arthritis.

4. Alzheimer’s.

5. Parkinson’s.

Diabetes may be cured by then, too, rather than just being treatable. Any progress in treatment of degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s will lead to a huge demand for faster progress.

This is far reaching, but if correct we will have made tremendous progress in 20 years towards life extension simply by treating these diseases.

David Pearce of says:

I think we’ll cure/manage depression, anxiety disorders, alcoholism, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson's disease.

To these I would like to add blindness, multiple sclerosis, most kinds of paralysis.

So put together we have the following list:

1.Most cancers




5.Multiple Sclerosis



8.Anxiety disorders

9.Heart disease


Many will also rejoice to hear that the continuing developments in stem cell research will likely cure baldness, although that is not, strictly speaking, a disease.

This list is by no means exhaustive, and when looking back in 2030, it could be much, much longer.


Social Darwinists, religious fundamentalists and other skeptics towards game changing science will do their part to decelerate this progress, as they did with in vitro fertilization (which continues to give the joy of parenthood to millions), gene modified crops (which continues make food increasingly affordable to the hungry masses without the prophesized side effects) and on countless other accounts.

But in the end, reason and compassion will prevail, as it always does in time.

Disease eradication goes hand in hand with prosperity. Many poverty stricken populations, notably in sub-Saharan Africa, suffer needless deaths from Malaria, AIDS and Polio. Those are all perfectly treatable diseases (indeed most HIV positive patients from the industrialized world are now able to live full lives), yet, without the most important prerequisite for medical progress – wealth – many Africans remain defenseless in the face of for instance Malaria. They can’t afford to keep their cattle in barns, they have no houses with sealed windows behind which to hide at dusk and dawn, and they can’t afford treatment once infected. Africa will be the last continent to reach economic prosperity, and subsequently the last to enjoy the health benefits that accompany affluence.

But that day too will come - in our lifetime.

The Centre of All Things

Saturday, 8 January 2011

The Illusion of Free Will

Decisions are arrived at before you are even conscious of making what you believe to be a free will choice. Every subconscious thought is analyzed and categorized and referenced against every experience your brain (you) has ever been subject to.

There is no free will, there is only reaction to the environment and its correspondence to that which has been learned within it.

Your brain reacts to your environment and your "Free Will Decision" illusion is simply a delayed confirmation of the conclusion or solution to any given event.
Free Will is the assumption that the human mind which is a construct of the physical brain can make a choice without being subject to environmental stimulus or external influence.

The human brain is constantly influenced by the environment a...s all of our senses give constant feedback from it.

Therefore if our thoughts are influenced, then our will is not free it is influenced.

Friday, 7 January 2011

4,500,000,000 years ago the planet was formed, aproximately, since then we have had almost 3.8 billion years of simple cells (prokaryotes), 3 billion years of photosynthesis, 2 billion years of complex cells (eukaryotes), 1 billion years o...f multicellular life, 600 million years of simple animals, 570 million years of arthropods (ancestors of insects, arachnids and crustaceans), 550 million years of complex animals, 500 million years of fish and proto-amphibians, 475 million years of land plants, 400 million years of insects and seeds, 360 million years of amphibians, 300 million years of reptiles, 200 million years of mammals, 150 million years of birds, 130 million years of flowers, 65 million years since the non-avian dinosaurs died out, 2.5 million years since the appearance of the genus Homo, 200,000 years since humans started looking like they do today, 25,000 years of Art and early cities, 10,000 years of Agriculture, 5,000 years of writing and the wheel, 2,510 years of City States, 550 years of the printing press and the scientific method, 225 years of the industrial revolution, 130 years of the telephone, electricity and radio, 65 years of the computer...

This is our natural evolution... where we go from here is up to us.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Cyclical Psychology

‎"Such a curious species arent we, we are the co-creators of the environment that shapes our own psychology... thats one seriously fucked up feedback loop if you dont understand what your doing"

Ever wondered how?

Monday, 3 January 2011

The limitations of technology and scientific discovery within the monetary system

When you base your whole technological and scientific evolution on whether or not we have enough peices of paper with pretty ink pictures on them, instead of basing it on priorities and whether or not we as a planet have the resources to do a particular project or research or find a cure for a disease or any other relevant development you cant expect anything less than poor results. Until we learn to adjust our economy to be based on reality and available resources not fiat currency that benefits only the top 1% and puts most of the world in debt through the IMF and Banking Cartels we will continue to be limited and important work like that being done at SENS foundation will continue to struggle for human and material reosurces required to do their work. ~ Andrew Buxton

Did You Know? "We are living in exponential times" (A Must Watch, Really)

Zeitgeist Addendum

Science saved my soul

So you want to get rid of technology and go back to nature? (Part 2)

Continuing on from Part 1 - lets take a look at the effect the removal of technology would have on the planet and its occupants on a global scale.


At the flick of a switch (metaphorically), aproximately 1 Billion people globally would be disconnected from each other, global communication is now dead. In 2009 a survey was done on social networking sites and the number of users.

MySpace - 345,130,806
Facebook - 722,434,829
Hi5 - 8,491,287
Friendster - 6,896,127
Orkut - 9,396,000
Bebo - 14,368,423

The consequences of this are far reaching and include such phenomon as the complete disconnection from the global awareness that has happened over recent years thanks to this technology, a return to local news and local events with little to no information being available about events in other countries or even states/regions within your own country. Coupled with the loss of email, information from the worldwide web, aid to countries suffering from Earthquakes, Tsunami's, Volcanic Eruptions, Famine, Poverty, Disease etc would now be something only historians would write about.

With the death of electricity as previously noted, society globally would be in a state of panic. The economy would collapse almost instantly as there would be no way of transfering funds (as almost all of the money in circulation nowadays is not only fiat but electronic), global stock trading would cease and the international markets would crash. The implications of this alone on such things as future resource wars would be immense.

Events such as the BP oil spill in the gulf of mexico would go largely unnoticed by the worlds population and would become more widespread as accountability for corporate actions would be back to pre-industrial revolution levels thanks to the disconnection of the global news networks and agencies.

With global communications now a thing of the past, no land-lines, no cell phones, no IT Networks, the only awareness of events would be local. The long term effects of this alone are outstanding as education levels would drop dramatically all over the globe from the loss of access to the masses of information available on the internet today.

Most people would no longer have jobs to go to as the majority of jobs especially in the western world are in the service industry, and without communications would be instantly crippled. Local economies would be in a state of panic, banks would be forced to put a restriction on withdrawals to avoid bank runs as seen in the 1930's.

(To be continued... off to see Jacque & Roxanne from "The Venus Project" and Charlie Veitch from "The Love Police" for a nice social afternoon by the river)

Next we will tackle...


With no computers to manage and control the geneation of electricity in the grid, or pump the oil & gas to homes and hospitals we would essentially be driven to conidtions pre-19th century within days (See

No phones, computers, cars, no electronic banking not only means credit cards and such become obsolete but even cash, no exchange rates and modern countries don’t use the gold standard any more. So unless you have something of value that isn’t electronic you have nothing. One good thing would be that all debt is cleared as all records of debt would be lost, so you’d t least own your house (Until someone raids it and kills you for your goods).

Transportation would be limited to walking except for skateboarding and cycling, horse riders will be proclaiming I told you so. That means you won’t be going that far for your holidays and if you’re in the suburbs or somewhere not accustomed to a lack of travel you’ll be going a long ways to get your food, which will soon run out without supplies from trucks or fridges to keep it fresh. The plague, TB, Diahrea would become major factors in the coming days/months.

Resource wars and local disputes over basic resources such as food and water would be commonplace and groups/gangs would form to protect the resources from other groups, for the first time in centuries there would be blood on the streets in many of the previously developed world.

Businesses would be crippled and almost all companies would be shut forever because of their reliance on technology for their day to day running. The Internet would be finished as would global communications, news, distribution of national and international goods and services would no longer exist and millions possibly billions would die from either exposure, famine or disease within weeks/months.

Paper (Now automated by machines and computer systems) would no longer be available en-masse and would have to be produced locally (assuming people know how to make paper from tree pulp - do you?) otherwise communication would return to verbal only - the death of the written word in most of the world. Most people in western civilization would not know how to make fire without matches, to cook without gas, to keep warm without electricity, or many of the typical survival techniques that would be necessary as the death of technology makes its impact.

Almost all of the information carried through the generations of our species would be lost instantly as the internet contains more information than all the books in the history of mankind along with distribution of ideas which is now gone forever.

So you want to get rid of technology and go back to nature? (Part 1)

Lets start with Electricity

If we lost all ability to generate Electricity tomorrow this is what would likely happen

Day 1:

All computers, TVs, cars, home electronics, breaker box, phones, radios, cell phones and any other electronic device that does not run on batteries would be dead. It also means hospitals, nursing homes, etc. would no longer be able to monitor or regulate patients via machine and millions would die within minutes all over the world.

All of the farms and their harvesting equipment is dead. The trucks that move food to the cities would no longer start. The trains that move freight around would be inoperable, All shipping would cease and all ships not in port would be lost at sea as there would be no radar.

Every airplane flying crashes. All planes on the down are ruined. The earth would be in complete darkness except for candle light where available, all Freezers, Fridges, Electric Cookers, Air Coolers etc would cease to work along with all other electrical appliances.

Day 2:

With power out people’s fridges are DOA. With no working cars, people don’t go to work. In the country and in the suburbs, people take the food out of their refrigerators and freezers before it “goes bad” and have BBQs. It’s a fun time.

People are mostly only able to make it to a local town, many would be stranded. Many people die of heat stroke on their journeys. There are a number of deaths due to the heat since air conditioning is out.

In the cities, looting begins quite quickly. The police can’t do much since they’re on foot or on horse.

We know this sort of thing because we have seen what happens during extended power outages. Of course, in those cases cars, cell phones, and other crucial devices still worked but there was still massive looting in the large cities.

Day 3:

Local agencies really don’t know what’s going on since there is no communication. No cell phones. No radio. No land lines. The grid is gone.

International relief globally grinds to a halt.

In the subs, the party is over. It ain’t funny now. People are finishing off what was in their refrigerator. Most people still have some food in the cupboard.

Stores start rationing their supplies. People are still using money (at least, those who keep cash). A bottle of water is now $20. How much cash do you keep in your house?

In the cities, riots have broken out with widespread destruction. Fires from the riots start to spread.

End of Week 1:

By now, most people in the subs have run out of food they would normally remotely consider eating. Looting at the local supermarket and grocery stores begins as people simply take what they need.

Remember, people aren’t hearing anything from the authorities. There are no working TVs. No working radios. The handful of police are walking in the subs.

If you live in the suburbs, take a close look around. How would the police reasonably patrol your city without cars?

Meanwhile, people in nursing homes have started dying en-masse. Without refrigeration drugs quickly go bad. Anyone requiring help breathing or anything else has already died.

People with type 1 diabetes are starting to see the writing on the wall.

Unfortunately most cities are in utter pandemonium. Tens of thousands have already died from heat exhaustion. In 2003, when there was a heat wave in France, 14800 people died. They didn’t lose power, they just didn’t have air conditioning. The global death toll is sky-rocketing quickly.

End of Week 2:

People are starting to die of dysentery from eating bad food, drinking bad water. Many have left the suburbs to head to rural areas where they think there is food (they’re wrong, harvest won’t happen for months, industrialized food processing involves a lot of transportation between the farms and the slaughter houses).

The typical family, now out of food and with no access to clean water is starting to get pretty desperate.

What? Only 2 weeks? How much food do you have in your house right now? Go check. I’ll wait….

Okay back? So how much is in your pantry? How long would it last you? If you knew at the start, you might have rationed it better. But you didn’t.

Millions of people are wishing they had put those steaks and hamburgers and hot-dogs in their basements in the cooler temperatures. Others are wishing they had salted them heavily and cooked them well done to store for the long haul.

Meanwhile, armed thugs are starting to systematically go through every building and house looking and taking what they need.

End of Week 3

Starvation is starting to become a real problem. If your local law enforcement had a clue, they had already gotten themselves and helpful citizens around to the stores to gather up supplies to start rationing it.

At this point, martial law has been declared by any competent city government. Some cities decide that, for the public good of course, that all community food will be collected and distributed equally to everyone. In other places, large armed mobs are violently taking what is needed to survive.

Are you a survivalist? Got all your supplies right? Got MREs in the basement. You have an AK47 that you managed to get quietly at a gun show. Your kids know how to use the two shot guns. You’ve been prepared for this day right?

You see, you might be able to keep a few people away. But word got around that you have supplies. You might be able to take out a few people but 200+ Nope. You’re going to take a lot of them out but they’re going to come in, kill you, your family, and your supplies.

What? Don’t agree? People won’t do that? Again: Other than on the coast (in some major cities near harbors anyway) you’ve heard and seen nothing from the government. No TV. No phones. No radios.

A few people have managed to dig up old HAM radios and they are getting distant broadcasts of reassurance but it’s clear that nothing’s coming any time soon if you live significantly inland, especially if you don’t live in a densely populated area.

It’s triage at this point and the rural and suburbs areas are simply too spread out. Unfortunately, in the cities, fires have consumed much of them. Anyone strong enough to get out of there has which further distributes the population.

End of the first month:

A network of outposts are re-established in most large and medium sized cities. Medium sized cities are faring a bit better.

Really large cities away from the coast are dead at this point.

The Second Month:

Now is when the death toll really starts to go up. First, you have about 5% of the population that was on medication to control their mental states. This is now gone. They will mostly die off this month or take out a few others in the process.

Nearly everyone with Type 1 diabetes has died.

Virtually all who requires assisted care at this point has died.

Millions of children under 2 have died. Why? Do you have any children? If you’re not nursing them, how are you feeding them at this point?

There are not many domesticated dogs left that haven’t been freed by owners.

The number of deer left that are near people has diminished to the point of being difficult to find. Same with geese, ground hogs, rabbits, etc.

Most cities of any decent size now have an outpost re-established. However, it’s starting to become a real problem because, well it turns out that the US and Canada supply a significant chunk of the world’s food. 47% of the world’s Soy beans are produced in the United States. 86% of the world’s corn. The bulk of the world’s wheat.

The US and Canada make up 20% of the world’s food exports and if you count only basic foods the percentage nearly doubles. And now without a way to transport these goods around the world the suffering really begins.

It’s at about this time that those who were celebrating in the streets about the downfall of the great satan are starting to get the first thought that yes, they’re going to die too. North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, and many other countries are about to see starvation on a level that has never been seen before.

In Japan, where starvation is a serious concern, they and Korea have enough money to pay top dollar for the dwindling food supply. Russia, unfortunately, is about to have a very rough year.

Third Month:

8% of the population that was over 70. Nearly all of them have died.

3% of the population that is under 4. Nearly all of them have died.

Urban populations have had staggering death tolls, particularly those not near the coasts.

Anyone requiring medication that needed to be refrigerated in order to live (anti-rejection drugs, insulin, various heart medications, for instance) has died. Easily 10% of the population on top of the above.

Around 20% of the population has starved.

Another 10% are living in places that were uninhabitable without modern technology have died. Think the western world is nice? Imagine it without water. Any water at all... No Water treatment plants, no sewage treatment plants to take away your waste water or soiled water and no pumps to pump fresh drinking water to your taps.

While heat has killed millions in hotter countries, many millions are dying from the extreme cold in others.

The fourth month

Ever wondered how natural gas gets to your house? That's right... Electric pumps... no Electricity.. no gas supply!

If you live in extreme northern countries at this point, and you haven’t starved to death, you’re probably going to start dying of exposure.

But that’s a gift compared to what people still struggling to make it in warmer areas as we get reintroduced to cholera, TB, and diarrhea become major problems.

In fact, in 1900 the #1 cause of death in the United States was pneumonia. The #3 was diarrhea. That’s right. The runs killed more people than Heart disease, cancer, strokes, etc. And this November, it returns from retirement as people, without proper sanitation, start to die off from all kinds of things that were previously unheard of.

In fact, as November closes, western civilizations have reverted to third world conditions. No, that’s not fair. Third world countries usually have electricity and their inhabitants usually know how to start a fire. Do you know how to start a fire without matches and such? Remember watching Survivor and laughing at them? They were in pretty good conditions to get a fire going. You, by contrast, are wet, cold, weakened, and not sure if it’s even a good idea to start a fire because, well, what are you going to do with it? There’s little food.

One Year later

So what’s the death toll? Conservatively, you’re looking at 80% of the population of the world has died. That’s probably a best case scenario.

How many people know how to can food? How many modern civilians know how much wood to cut to burn? How many of you live in places where they need an elevator, as a practical matter, to get to where they live?

Heck, how many people are simply living today because they have access to all kinds of medical technology? How many people are living in places that can only be inhabited thanks to modern technology?

Also, consider our immune systems of today versus what it was 100 years ago. Our sterilized world has made us very vulnerable to the bacteria and viruses that lurk just outside our electrified civilization. And they would be back to visit within weeks.

Still think life without electricity and going back to nature is such a good idea?

So you want a real democracy do you?


A group of 12 people (Number will vary according to size of population - 12 is just being used as an example as i dont want to be typing this list forever)

2 Architects, 1 Bus Driver, 2 Cleaners, 1 Salesman, 1 Florist, 1 Banker, 1 Business Director, 1 Window Cleaner, 1 Art Student, and a Structural Engineer.

Their Task.. To design a bridge between two islands to connect the people and make transporting of resources, goods and services between the two islands easier.

They go through hundreds of designs, and at every stage the structural engineer says they wont work.. they may look pretty but they wont work..

Well the majority vote for a certain design, and they go and build it (or others do)

and when its complete they decide to celebrate by being the first to travel across the bridge to celebrate with the inhabitants of the other island. As they go across it collapses and everyone dies, (Except the Structural Engineer - Who knew it wasnt safe)

I dont like the idea of democracy... do you?

Its important to understand that you have never lived in a participatory democracy, and you really have to think if you would want one. Ask yourself these questions:

How do you increase the agricultural yield in a country where the soil is high in nitrates?

How would you design the software to manage and distribute food within a total city system

How would you stop cars from hitting each other, or pedestrians?

How would you design the Heating & Ventilation system for 800 homes in a circular city design?

How would you regulate the production of any particular good based on the carrying capacity of the city?

How would you determine the best source of renewable energy for a city?

If you cant answer these questions, where do you think you will participate in the running and design of the cities and society as a whole? Where do you participate in your current system?

Only those who understand mechanical Engineering should be let loose on the hot water systems of a city, otherwise you will be putting peoples lifes at risk over your own ego of wanting to "Participate"If you really want to participate you would have to go to school and learn about a subject before you can participate.

If this idea offends you or gives you a knee jerk reaction - please be honest with yourself and answer this:

Would you like a carpet fitter to cut your skull open with a stanley knife and perfom brain surgery on you or would you want a brain surgeon? Or an Artist with no engineering experience to design the structure of your house? Or someone that has no argiculture/food growing skills to be in charge of producing the cities food?

One of the common unfounded concerns about The Venus Project i hear is that people dont like the idea of machines making the decisions. I think our history goes a long way to showing that we shouldnt trust humans to make them. Machines in the Venus project would not make decisions about how you live socially, they would arrive at decisions about your environment and perform actions accordingly, whether that be to re-route emergency power to the hospital automatically in the case of a power outage in part of the city or the control of manufacturing and distribution of goods according to the demand of the residents in the most efficient way, or of the other technological processes that happen in our daily lives that we take for granted because we have no real understanding of how our current systems are run unless you work in those fields.

Do you tell your washing/dryer machine how much water to use? When to change from a wash cycle to a rinse cycle? When to add hot water or cold water? Does this scare you? Of course not.

Do you tell your car when its running out of fuel or does it tell you?

When you press the buttons on an elevator, Do you tell the exact moment when it should stop in order for the doors to open at the right level to allow you to get off safely? or does it do this automatically without you even thinking about how?

When you are driving and come up to traffic lights, how do you know when it is safe for you to cross the junction? do you stop.. get out and look? or do you look up at the Red/Amber/Green light?

Or like my father in hospital gradually dying from lung diesease.. The only reason he is alive today is because on numerous occasions where he has been rushed into hospital, he was put on a life support machine. No human being could have kept him alive when his lungs completely packed up.. He owes his life to a machine and now uses one every day to allow him to continue breathing and living a reasonably normal life for a man of his age, and he would have been dead years ago without them.

I could list thousands of examples whereby machines already make important , and in some case life saving decisions without any belief or value system to obscure its objectivity unlike humans.

Without technology we would still be living in the dark ages, without electricity, without heating, without modern transportation, without proper sanitation.. Life would be hell.. and the average life span would be somewhere around 20 if we were lucky.

It is technology that improves the lives of humans above all else but without a change in our value system and the removal of debilitating social structures and the monetary system and all of the abhorrent behaviours associated with it like greed we will continue to see the problems we see today.

Hundreds of Thousands of people from all walks of life, from all different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs and values are coming together united in 1 goal.. and that is the future implementation of a Global Resource Based Economy and The Venus Project.. Why not come and find out about it yourself?

Or join the movement @

Understanding Human Behaviour

We are the sum of all that has come before us, everything we have ever heard, seen and experienced, every positive and negative action taken or imparted on us, if you don't understand why someone is the way they are you simply don't understand the maths that has gone into making them. No one is to blame, even the elitist bankers, politicians, military, and state police, they are a product of our culture.

With this in mind how can we hold someone responsible for doing something they feel they are doing for the right reasons? If we were to walk a day in the shoes of the people we criticise for their actions, and see things the way they see them, we would quickly realise that no one does things they don't agree with, its the values and beliefs a person has that dictates what seems the right thing to do to them and they are rarely in full alignment to everyone else's values & beliefs.

A kid brought up in a military family, watching his dad and brothers go in the military, being brought up hearing all the brave war hero stories, being told one day he can be a hero too. Playing war video games during his childhood, being taught by his dad and older brothers about their field of expertise and how proud they are t serve their country.

That kid could be you...

Is he evil? No - He is indoctrinated into a specific belief / value system that we simply cannot identify with.From his perspective he will be serving his people and country at the risk of his own life, whilst from the perspective of many he's going to become a paid killing machine for the corrupt political and financial elite.He see's himself as honourable and brave, and anyone he kills is the enemy and he is saving you and the rest of his country from them.

He simply has not been given the tools to be able to understand or see the situation the way you do because he has been indoctrinated into that specific beliefs system. And even if you then tried to convert him, you would be battling against years and years of re-inforcement of the values & beliefs that he holds.
Its all about perspective and this applies to bankers, politicians, the state police etc etc.

We are all victims of our culture, and there is no blame (only a need for understanding and education)
The people that own the banking cartels, come from families who owned the banking industry for many generations, they are indoctrinated into a social Darwinian ideology that is shared by the political elite as well, they are brought up to believe they are actually more intelligent than most of the species, that they have unquiet genes and enlightenment not shared by the masses, that there is effectively a split in the species and its their job to run the world because the normal people are incapable of doing so.

We might find this to be aberrant, but they no doubt feel the same about us so who is actually right?

Obviously from an Egalitarian / humane perspective we are, but just like the military example above, they are products of their environment and therefore are not to blame.. our culture is to blame and that's why we propose the complete re-design of our culture at The Venus Project.

When people look at behaviour they consider detrimental to society they look at it from the viewpoint of their own values & beliefs and do not for a moment comprehend the fact that the values or beliefs of the persons committing these acts or why they are committing them.

Free will is an annoying illusionary construct of the mind, decisions are actually not decisions at all.
We constantly analyse information subconsciously and consciously, , those variables are constantly checked against our psychological construct and associative memory and depending on which so called decision has the strongest neuro pathway connections to these associations is the decision we make.

i.e if something makes no sense to you, and is against everything you believe and feel is right... you simply do not do it. Therefore if your values and beliefs are malleable, and your decisions are based on your associative memory of what you have learned in life and how you have been culturally programmed, then no decision you make is your own it is simply the sum of the calculations and associations to the information you have available to you going on in your head both consciously and unconsciously.

People don't "change" themselves. No one who believes they are now awakened, woke themselves up, information saturation that goes against the already established values, beliefs and understandings of the environment in which they live (and the social conditioning through establishment propaganda and the corporately controlled mainstream media) is what changed them.

If you don't understand what made someone do something they done how can we honestly and fairly judge them?
A woman who steals a loaf of bread in a certain country gets stoned to death, and as far as the people are concerned she deserves it, thieves are not tolerated!

Later you find out she stole the bread because her children are starving to death and she couldn't bare the mental anguish of watching them die because she couldn't provide food for her children.

Now she's a victim not a criminal.

Who is the terrorist? The Muslim guy who's family were bombed in to oblivion by U.S aircraft as they take over their country to install the illusion of democracy in their countries , whilst putting them into future insurmountable debts to rebuild the country they destroyed as well as rape and pillage the natural resources of that country and kill millions of their people? Or the U.S, Britain and The countries of the EU?

Understanding is one of the most important social projects we as humans need to work on, and also how to reverse the social conditioning damage done by our culture by changing the environment in which humans are born into in a positive way.

There are no evil people only conditioned people, and this is one of the major reasons we propose the complete redesign of the social and economic environment people are brought up in so that such aberrancies as elitism and fear mongering, control by force etc. are no longer a recipe within our learning and cultural environment.~ Andrew Buxton

The Venus Project Approach
At present, it is necessary for both husbands and wives to work. Monetary economics have to a large extent undermined family cohesion. Parents lack adequate time to spend with their children, and they are constantly stressed by ever-rising medical bills, insurance payments, educational expenses, and the high cost of living. It is in this area that one of the most profound benefits of this new civilization could be realized. The proposed shorter workdays would provide more time for family relationships. Free access to goods and services would make the home a much more pleasant place, with the removal of economic stress that causes so much family turmoil.

With the enhanced level of sociability that would naturally come from not having to compete for access to goods and services, we would see a tendency toward extension of the family unit into the community. As may already be observed in other cultures, the rearing and development of children would become the responsibility of both the family and the community at large.

With the elimination of debt, the fear of losing one's job will no longer be a threat; this assurance, combined with education on how to relate to one another in a much more meaningful way, could considerably reduce conflict and stress both mentally and physically. When education and resources are available to all without a price tag, there would be no limit to the human potential.

The fear of uniform behavior in a cybernated resource-based economy of the future is unfounded. The only uniformity one would find would be a concern for the environment and the importance of extending maximum courtesy to all nations and to one another. All would likewise share an intense curiosity for all that is new and challenging.

With a better understanding, people could possess a flexibility of outlook unknown in previous times, free of bigotry and prejudice. In addition, the people of this innovative society would have concern for their fellow human beings, and for the protection, maintenance, and stewardship of the Earth's natural environment. Additionally, everyone, regardless of race, color, or creed would have equal access to all of the amenities that this highly productive culture could supply.

In more advanced and humane systems of education people would acquire this new type of value system. They would also realize the many advantages of cooperation rather than competition. In a society without vested interest it would be impossible to harness the talents of scientists and technicians to engage in weapons research or any other socially hostile endeavor.

We call this approach "functional morality." This newer, more humane, and more productive approach would advocate finding non-military solutions to international differences.This calls for a global view, which would be a considerable improvement over narrow national and self-interests.We could use knowledge and information as tools that would be surrendered when evidence of more appropriate methods are introduced.
Some people question the morality of seemingly receiving something for nothing.

By merely being born in a developed country, we have access to many things that we put no effort whatsoever towards, such as the telephone, the automobile, electricity, running water, etc. These gifts of human ingenuity and invention do not degrade our lives, but rather they enrich and enhance us. What degrades us is our lack of concern for those unfortunate enough to experience poverty, hunger, and homelessness. The social designs that are proposed in this writing merely provide the opportunity for individuals to develop their fullest potential in whatever endeavor they choose without the fear of loss of individuality or submission to uniformity.

A resource-based economy by definition includes the participation of all people in its benefits. In a monetary system there is an inherent reason for corruption and that is to gain a competitive advantage over someone else. Without vested interests or the use of money, there is no benefit to squelching one's opinion or falsifying information or taking advantage of anyone. There would be no need for any underlying rigid social barriers that would limit the participation of anyone or restrain the introduction of new ideas.

The main objective is the access of information and the availability of goods and services to all people. This would enable people to be prepared to participate in the exciting challenges of this new society A resource-based economy could create an environment that would encourage the widest range of individuality, creativity, constructive endeavor, and cooperation without any kind of elitism, technical or otherwise. Most significantly, a resource-based economy would generate a far different incentive system, one based on human and environmental concern. This would not be a uniform culture but one that is designed to be in a constant process of growth and improvement.

As we enhance the lives of others, protect our environment, and work toward abundance, all our lives can become richer and more secure. If these values were put into practice it would enable all of us to achieve a much higher standard of living within a relatively short period of time-one that would be continuously improved. At a time when commercial institutions no longer exist, the necessity for prisons, lawyers, advertisements, banks and the stock exchange will serve no useful purpose.
In the society of the future, in which the monetary system of scarcity has been surpassed by a resource based economy and most physical and creative needs are met, private ownership as we know it would cease to be a necessity to protect one's access to goods and services. The concept of ownership would be of no advantage whatsoever in a society of abundance. Although this is difficult for many to imagine, even the wealthiest person today would be immensely better off in the highly productive resource-based society. Today in developed countries the middle class live far better than kings and the wealthy of times past. In a resource based economy everyone would live richer lives than the powerful and wealthy of today, not only materially but spiritually as well.

People would be free to pursue whatever constructive field of endeavor they choose without any of the economic pressures, restraints, debts and taxation that are inherent in the monetary system of today. By constructive endeavor, we mean anything that enhances the lives of the individual and others while protecting the global environment. When education and resources are available to all without a price tag, there would be no limit to the human potential. With these major alterations people would be able to eventually live longer, more meaningful, healthier and productive lives. In such a society, the measure of success would be based on the fulfillment of one's individual pursuits rather than the acquisition of wealth, property, and power. ~ Jacque Fresco (The Venus Project)

VIDEOS & BOOKS (Relevant information from various sources)
The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil

Dr. Robert Sapolsky on biology and human behavior

Nature or Nurture; How Do Genes, Environment and Free Will Affect Human Behavior?

Think You’re Operating on Free Will? Think Again By Eben Harrell

Robert Sapolsky: The uniqueness of humans

Gabor Mate
Brain Development & Addiction with Gabor Mate

The Stanford Prison Experiment

A Class Divided

Milgram's Obedience to Authority Experiment

Jaque Fresco – Investigating Behaviour

Shaping the world view and local view of the public through media manipulation


Manhood of Humanity: The Science and Art of Human Engineering~ Alfred Korzybski

Science And Human Behavior~B.F.Skinner

Rumor, Fear, and The Madness Of Crowds~Jame Patrick Chaplin

Violence: Reflections on a National Epidemic Preventing Violence~James Gilligan

You can also pick up some free ebooks at my site:

A Note on Equality

Hi all,

I'm sure i speak for the majority in the movement when i say this. We support the contribution of those within the movement based on what they can bring to the table, what ideas they have and their relevance to any given problem. We have a lot of problems in our current society that we are not happy with and do not wish to carry this baggage into the movement, and yes there may still be some in the movement who have certain biases but then its up to everyone in this movement to have each others backs and not allow such biases to propagate by helping these people see a different way by example and through unity of the values we hold dear, not debate.

For example: I don't want to argue with you over the problems and who is more or less important than others etc, I want to hear what you have to contribute to actually improving the lives of people, or to improving communication between people or the many other problems we have. We are all living on the same planet, and all feel the effects of each others problems, there are no women's problems, no men's problems, no gays problems there are human problems, and we as human beings need to take the role on of dealing with these human problems in constructive ways

We have all been damaged by the current system in various ways and to varying degrees, yet we must be ready to let go of them if we are to move forward. Discussing topics such as racism or sexism or gender inequality doesn't fix them, changing the way we deal with racism, sexism, inequality etc does. We can talk about racism til we are blue in the face, but unless we actually make sure that black people have a voice when it comes to relevant issues then what purpose does it serve?

We can talk and debate on whether in our current system sexism affects only women, or whether it affects everyone, or whether racism only affects blacks, or whether white people are affected by it too, or whether rape only affects women or men too but this doesn't solve anything.

What are we really about in this movement? If we are about unity and equality then lets leave our damaged baggage in the past where it belongs. If you have something to contribute to a solution of a problem, whether it be a way to approach a certain existing societal group with the proposals of The Venus Project and The Zeitgeist Movement in the most efficient, productive and effective way then do it, don't look for approval or disapproval. This is real equality, because it does not recognize the false barriers of our race, religion, creed or gender (Gender being a cultural phenomenon - not to be confused with Physical Sex i.e. Male/Female)

If we all want equality then we have to base our decisions and our strategies on ideas not on anything else. We don't need the permission to contribute, just do it.. this is what the movement is about. People may well discuss your proposals and offer different perspectives on them, and it may well be that after such discussions those original ideas evolve or they stay as they were intended. This is Equality...

Let your ideas be the defining point of your life and your contribution to this beautiful planet and the people and animals on it, not your gender or your color, or your religion.

I and almost everyone i have met in this movement welcome any idea from any man, woman, black, white, Asian, Christian or Muslim or any other human being has if it benefits and enhances the lives of people, and this is something i know for a fact is in the hearts and minds of the majority of people in this movement.

We need to unite on ideas and leave these old biases where they belong, with the irrelevant and outdated social and economic system we wish to move past.

We must work on being constructive in everything we do, and that is how we will get real equality for the women who should have had such equality long before now, and the same goes for blacks and every other beaten down, oppressed people of our existing fucked up way of life, so lets concentrate on the positive, we've all had enough negative in our lives for a lifetime.. and discussing them doesn't do anything, lets all transcend it.

This is real equality, not a piece of paper that says "Your a Woman and your equal", "Your Black and your equal", "Your gay and your equal" or whatever.

Don't "Ask demand to be equal"

Dont "Protest to be equal"

Don't "Debate over being equal"

Don't "Fight to be equal"

Be equal by letting your actions and contributions speak louder than any paper proclamation ever will.

What is "The Venus Project" (Updated)

The Venus Project is an organization that proposes a plan of action for social change, a vision of what the future might be if we apply what we already know in order to achieve abundance and sustainablity for all the world people while protecting the environment.

All nations are facing a common threat; energy shortages, ecological disasters, environmental pollution, water scarcity, overpopulation, technological displacement of human labor by automation. This problems will remain unsolved as long as a few powerful nations and financial interests maintain control of and consume most of the world's resources and the monetary system prevails.

Today we have highly advanced technologies and we could easily create a world of abundance for all. It is no longer necessary to perpetuate the conscious withdrawal of efficiency by planned obsolescence, perpetuated by our old and outworn profit based system. Earth is abundant and has plentiful resources but our practice of rationing resources through monetary control is no longer relevant and is counter-productive to our survival.

This is why we advocate a Resource-Based Economy. It utilizes existing resources - rather than money - to provide an equitable method of distribution in the most humane and efficient manner. It is a system in which all goods and services are available to everyone without the use of money, credits, barter, or any other form of debt or servitude.

To better understand a resource-based economy, consider this. If all the money in the world disappeared overnight, as long as topsoil, factories, personnel and other resources were left intact, we could build anything we needed to fulfill most human needs. It is not money that people require, but rather free access to most of their needs without worrying about financial security or having to appeal to a government bureaucracy. In a resource-based economy of abundance, money will become irrelevant.

The aim of this new social design is to encourage an incentive system no longer directed toward the shallow and self-centered goals of wealth, property, and power. These new incentives would encourage people toward self-fulfillment and creativity, both materially and spiritually.

Here are some links, some of these you may have already seen but ill put them here just in case you havent.


Additional Info in response to some frequent valid concerns but also some common misconceptions/projections of the current value system into this new system.


The Venus Project isnt a "Ruling Elite" there to tell you what you can and cant do, its an egalitarian social design that uses the scientific method (not science) for social concern - its a very simple concept.

The Scientific Method:

  • Ask a Question
  • Research
  • Construct a Hypothesis
  • Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
  • Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion
  • Communicate Your Results

And its how all human beings naturally learn but are indoctrinated into established systems of left brain structured learning once we enter schooling age.

When a child knocks over a glass of water, they are learning about real physical phenomena like gravity and fluid dynamics, which helps them to interact with the world in a relevant way.

When a child watches mummy making jelly they are learning about the various states of liquids, from boiling the kettle producing steam, to solidifying certain materials by cooling them etc.

This is truly the most natural way of learning, unlike our established systems that teach conformity and deminish creativity and true understanding of our connection to not only the environment but each other.

Money, Barter and TVP Cities:

We wish to outgrow the need for Politics and the Monetary System because these outdated systems of control and distribution of goods and services as they are detrimental to the wellbeing of people and the planet as a whole.

We have a global population of 6.7 billion people, the best way to economically manage resources, goods and services for such large populations which is growing excponentially is in cities, where such services can be provided locally to large numbers of people simultaneously.

It is not logistally economic to have every human being living a mile away from each other with no centralised distribution of goods and services, we left that kind of culture thousands of years ago with the hunter/gatherers

You would not be "required" to live in a TVP city, but there would be numerous benefits to doing so, such as fast and easy access to healthcare, goods and services provided within the cities, education access to resources, technology etc (i.e where those goods and services would be produced etc)

The Venus Project is a social and economic system developed to allow us to intelligently manageme the earths resources, and distriibution of goods and services to benefit people in the most efficient, ecologically friendly and humane way possible using the best technologies and methods we have available to us using a systems approach instead of the outdated systems of politics, business and money.

If you choose to live outside the city but wish to benefit from the servicves etc that city provides then you simply go to the city and use / get what you need.

If you decide you want nothing to do with a RBE or TVP then you simply live wherever you want, you become self sustaining and you do what you like, your not forced to be a part of or use the goods and services provided by the cities. If you need help building your home or creating your renewable energy or farming or w/e then im sure the egalitarian people of the cities would be only too happy to help you out, unless you prefered no help or contact with those who live in a RBE / TVP city.

If people want to barter when everything is available free its down to them, though it kind of loses its relevancy in this system when the very foundations of the whole system is to provide people with access to all goods and services free of charge, and provide thre basic neccesities of life (Clean Water, Nutrional Food, A Relevant Education, Housing and Clean Renewable Energy as a basic human right instead of seomthing you have to earn

The aim is to improve the lives of people, not control them. And with a democracy based on ideas and contribution not personal wealth or power there would be no means by which to control people.

People will still work, they just wont be working on irrelevant jobs like banking, finance, law, security services, advertising, most service industry jobs, most manufacturing jobs and anything else that can be automated.

People will study any field they have an interest in, most people will probably learn a multitude of relevant jobs that interest them as there will be no limits on education i.e cant afford to study, or tied into one field etc, because you can work wherever you want on whatever you want assuming you have the required skillset to enable you to do so safely and competently.

If you want to be a marine biologist during the summer, and train to be a brain surgeon in the evenings, and be a ski junky in the winter then you would do just that. The idea is to free people not constrain them as in the current system.

If people want to barter when everything is available free its down to them, though it kind of loses its relevancy in this system when the very foundations of the whole system is to provide people with access to all goods and services free of charge.


Videos & Books


Jacque Fresco

1. Research and Development – Jacque Fresco Discussion- Find here:

2. No Utopia – Jacque Fresco Discussion- Find here:

3. Being Responsible – Jacque Fresco Discussions- Find here:

4. Documentary of My Life – Jacque Fresco – Directed by William Gazecki- Find here:

5. Generalism and Change – Jacque Fresco Discussions- Find here:

6. Science and War – Jacque Fresco Discussions- Find here:

7. Social Change – Jacque Fresco Discussions- Find here:

8. People of The Future – Jacque Fresco Discussions- Find here:

9. Jacque Fresco Interviewed by Larry King 1974- Find here:

10. This is a 1st part video of Fresco made in January 2010:- Find here:

11. The Mechanistic Point of View - Find here:

12. Past, Present, & Future of Mankind

Part 1:

Part 2:

13. Jacque Fresco-Relation to Academia-Dec.19, 2010

14. Are we educated yet?

Childhood observations, religeon etc

15. "conscious", problem solving, conditioning behavior, define criminal

16. Investigating Behaviour

Zeitgeist Addendum

The Economic Hitmen

The Corporate Media

The Money Masters

RSA Animate – The Crisis of Capitalism

A Class Divided

The Stanford Prison Experiment

Milgrams Obedience Study

Philip Zimbardo - The Lucifer Effect (Social Psychology)

The Venus Project - Jacque Fresco Essay

The Venus Project - Aims and Proposals

The Venus Project Frequently Asked Questions

Future by Design

Peter Joseph Radio Shows:

Money, the Profit Motive and Sustainability:

Where are we now?

Where are we going?

part 1:

part 2:

Orientation Guide

Objections to The Venus Project

The Future of Economics - A Perspective from The Zeitgeist Movement

Automation & Unemployment

The Venus Project Design

Andrew Buxton

The Venus Project Design

A modern view on protesting

One of the hardest things for people to accept and almost always causes a knee-jerk reaction is the idea that we are uneducated, that we don't know as much as we think we know. This is a huge cultural problem because it limits the possibility for growth.

The truth is the system we all live in limits our potential as human beings because the only way for governments to control its population is for that population to be poorly informed autonomous tax paying citizens, whilst giving them the illusion they live in a democratic society, where they have a voice that matters and are free, sadly this applies to most of the population of this and every illusionary democratic country in the world.

There is no democracy and there never has been, just the illusion of one.

The world has always been owned and ruled by the few while the many are ill-informed and dumbed down, and the mainstream media is there to keep us that way. Whether it be the age of pharaohs, the age of kings or the age of governments, it has been the case throughout our history.

All throughout our history there have been those who manage to break free to some extent from the mind-programming who take to the streets or behind the scenes to affect change, and today is no different.

The problem we have now is the rate at which governments through the mainstream media can demonize those of us who care deeply about the future of the human race and are not content to stand by and watch it all turn to shit and the potency of their demonizing campaigns on the unsuspecting, culturally programmed masses. Look what they just did on the BBC to that guy in the wheelchair with cerebral palsy who was pulled out of his wheelchair and dragged across the floor, they made him look like an antagonist and that he deserved that treatment, it was disgusting to watch but later i hear someone talking about it saying "He deserved it, fucking protesters - if he doesn't like this country he should fuck off somewhere else"

This is what happens, Its what they do!

Just like wikileaks and the anonymous hacking tactics will be used as a tool by governments for clamping down on the Internet, that will be pushed by the media as "The Evil Hackers are damaging the very foundation of society with their attacks on businesses and government etc", or "The Evil Wikileaks is a terrorist organisation that is making the public of this county/world unsafe", so the majority of ill-informed public support actions that they will take to counter.

We have to be smarter than standing in the streets protesting to those who are destroying the civil rights of the people, those who have no compassion for their fellow human beings in other countries that have resources they seek to control. Who commit genocide in our name using our money... We need to change tactics, we need evolution not revolution.

Unfortunately Ill-informed people and even so called well informed people who have no real solutions to the problems have knee-jerk emotional responses to what is going on in our global society, this is whats happening with the riots we are seeing in Greece, and is what turns peaceful protests into angry mobs. the worse things get, the less hope there seems to be, the more violent protests will become (all over the world).

The problem with this, is that unlike in the past - the military and police have much more power to control large crowds, and although we haven't seen anything other than kettling now, this will change as the situation of our economy and social breakdown collapses further.

I'm sure none of us want to live in a police state / martial law scenario, but all governments will resort to this as a last resort when pushed into a corner. This is what established means.. its a way of being that will be defended violently when deemed necessary.

I hope I'm not the only one with real concerns for the lives of people like Ian |Thomlinson who died at the Bank of England protest, or the many other maimed and injured. This is the start of what is to come if we do not change our tactics, and it will only ever get worse.

Very Sincere people who really care about their future and the future of their families and loved ones just don't know what to do so they resort to what they think will work - the problem is that it plays right into the hands of totalitarianism, which is what we are seeing now, we need people to be well informed about why the problems we have exist and how we can transcend them peacefully and that takes time to explain to people - but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

We live in a culture where the dominant mentality is a false one, one that the banking and political elite took from Charles Darwin, and twisted it to their own ends.

Its called a social Darwinian approach to culture, something the elite are fully supportive of.. its a top down hierarchical structure that has existed for thousands of years and the problem is, it only works for a few at the very top at the cost of the rest of humanity.

Real thrivability for our species will come from co-operation not competition... Rejecting the system of control, the monetary slave profit consumer system that they have created, will be far more productive but it would have to be done en-Mass or it would not work.

Sadly protest wont achieve anything apart from a bunch of people standing outside parliament with banners saying "Your scum" to a bunch of politicians and police & military who don't give a shit what you think.

What did the Iraq War protests achieve? (The real benefit it had wasn't in stopping the war but raising awareness in people that it was wrong - this is where i agree with protests, but they don't fix problems and they never have)

What did the Student Fee protests have? None (Except as stated before)

etc etc etc

We have so many protesters in this country now that a real combined effort with an achievable goal could completely destroy the political-corporate system of control, Its not the "Drive, Sincerity or Bravery that's at question, just the outdated and unproductive methods), its like trying to cure aids by wearing a condom.

First people need to understand the system of control, and then they need to make that system collapse in the most efficient way possible. Relevant Education and a countrywide rejection of this system will lead to Evolution, Revolution will just lead to yet more oppression, hatred and violence and all the hatred this will build in those left behind on all sides for generations to come.

Kill the monetary system and politics goes down with it, so do the banks, the IMF, the police and the military.

So go do your protests... but use it as a platform to educate people in the public about why change is needed instead of throwing Molotov cocktails at people that will be only too honoured to stamp your face into the mud to protect the established culture we live in. Effect real change through educating people, not by being used as pawns in a game of "Lets make the protesters look like terrorists to the mainstream public", so we can stamp on your civil rights.

Suggestion: A Peaceful V for Vendetta mob, few hundred thousand strong all in V Masks, not to protest but to inform the public about whats going on in the real world that they are blinded to by their cultural programming?

This would certainly draw the crowds, But it should be more like a "Fair" than a "Protest", invite all the different social and humanitarian groups, universities etc and could be used as an educational event handing out leaflets with info on the monetary system of control, and other relevant "Wake Up" info for the public. Big Screens with "Money as Debt", "The Confessions of an Economic Hit man" showing on it, and other relevant documentaries...

That id go to, but standing toe to toe protesting to a bunch of people who are so twisted by their own fucked up values is going to achieve very little for the population of fellow human beings we care about. As for the police, we would be much more efficient peacefully and passionately educating them instead of facing off against them.

I for one would be more than willing to sacrifice some of my time to help organise any such event that would create awareness in the general public and strengthen our voice as a people, but i will not waste a moment of my time on anything that does not offer a solution.

The public dont need to see angry mobs destroying their way of life as it is portrayed by the mainstream media! they need people like you and those who do "Get it" to stop protesting and begin informing them and breaking the spell the mainstream has over them.

Our biggest failure would be not finding ways to break through the programming of the people, for it is they who will add to our power as a people and bring about an evolution from this monetary based profit oriented wage slave culture into something new and free like a Resource Based Economy or whatever we as a people decide to replace the socio-economic system of control we currently live under with.

Lastly if you agree with this note please "Share" it

Love and Peace to all

Andrew Buxton